1) What does the first apparition tell Macbeth?
- An armed head telling him to beware of Macduff.
2) How does the prophecy of the second apparition seem to contradict
that of the first?
- Because in the second apparition its telling him that nobody
can harm him and in the first its telling him to fear Macduff.
3) What does the third apparition promise?
- It says that he will not be conquered until Birnam Wood comes to
fight aganist Macbeth at Dunsinane and Birnam Wood is a forest and Macbeth feels safe.
4) What question do the witches refuse to answer?
- Will Banquo's children ever rule in Scotland?
5) What vision do they parade before Macbeth?
- 8 kings in a row with the last carrying a mirror signifying a reflection that Banquo's children will go on
and on for some time and rule not only in Scotland but Englan as well.
6) In his conversation with Macduff, why does Malcolm pretend to
have all of Macbeth's vices and more?
- Malcolm is testing
him to see if he is loyal to Scotland
7) What convinces Malcolm that Macduff is trustworthy?
- Upon hearing of Malcolms vices, Macduff says he can't support him in
his ruling of Scotland.
8) What good news about "gracious England" does Ross bring Malcolm?
- Ross tells Malcolm that England has provided ten thousand soldiers to
fight aganist Macbeth.
9) What bad news does Ross bring Macduff?
- Ross tells Macduff that his family is dead- all of them.