Macbeth: "She should have died hereafter. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow, and tomorrow,
and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time. And all our yesterdays
have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle. Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full
of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."
Act 5, Scene 5
Macbeth shows his sensitive side here by showing that the death of his wife is the ruin of his power. He is now
very depressed and talks about there is no meaning to this life.
Macbeth: "He’s here in double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the
deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself."
Act 1, Scene 7
Macbeth knows what a good man the King is. He also knows that welcoming a man into your home means ensuring him
protection. This is still Macbeth's kind side that struggles with doing wrong.
Malcolm: "This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues, was once thought honest: you have lov'd him well."
Act 4, Scene 3
Malcolm says that the man they once loved has greatly changed, and is now evil.
Duncan: "What he hath lost, noble Macbeth has won."
(Act 1, scene 3)
King Duncan is expressing how he thinks that Macbeth is a courageous, honorable man who is deserving of a respected title.
Lady Macbeth: "I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while
it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn
as you Have done to this."
Act 1 Scene 7
Lady Macbeth is portraying her husband as a coward. She thinks that she is more man than he is and he then proves
her right by pretty much doing whatever she says.
Macbeth: "I am one, my liege, Whom the vile blows and buffets of the world Have so incensed that I am reckless
what I do to spite the world."
Act 3 Scene 1
Macbeth admits that he is only one man and can't do everything alone. Even his great ambitious can't help him achieve
his ultimated goal without the help of others.