
Entire Play
Crossword Puzzle
Act One
Act Two
Act Three
Act Four
Act Five
Background Information
Author Information
Vocabulary Words
Important Quotations
Our site is to inform you of all the information that we know on the play Macbeth.  We have included questions you may have on each act and summary of each act, and you can get to these things by clicking on the link of whichever act you are interested in.  We have also included other information describing the play, it's author, the characters in it, etc.

The Tragedy of Macbeth
By: William Shakespeare

Literary Aspects of Macbeth

"After four centuries of well-deserved adulation, "Macbeth" hardly requires further praise. It seems worthwhile, however, to single out the play as a particularly good introduction to Shakespeare. It is tightly constructed, brilliantly written, and relatively short. The memorable plot (drawn from Holinshed's Chronicles) has cast long shadows. The snowballing murders and eerily-fulfilled prophecies have become literary icons, yet have lost none of their power in their original form."

      -Carl Trait (New York, NY USA)



We hope you enjoyed our interpretations and opinions on the tragedy of Macbeth.
